Our History

History of the VFW Post 8573
From the background information researched by Mr. Rahe, it appears the building was built in 1880. In December 1910 Mr. & Mrs. Emil Guenther bought the establishment from Hugo Liesmann and wife, Emma, and operated the store, saloon and dance hall until 1954, a total of 44 years. The Emil Guenther Store housed the post office, sold dry goods, canned goods, candy and cheese. Mail was delivered three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Everyone had to go and pick up their mail at the Emil Guenther Store.
By the late 1960’s Tom J. Sheridan purchased the property. He referred to the area as the Miracle Mile in his advertisements. The Hungry Farmer Steak House was located on the site of the Emil Guenther Store at this time. The building was renovated considerably throughout the years. At the present time, the Canteen Lounge (VFW Post 8573) is located at this site and bears no resemblance to the Emil Guenther Store building.
Currently only two oak trees and the water tower stand (used for the cotton gin) serve as a reminder of the landmark which served its community for half a century.
The VFW was chartered on May 24, 1969.
From History of Sattler and Mountain Valley School Comal County, TX 1846 – 1964 Alton J. Rahe
Historical Photo Outside of the Current VFW Hall